Our Mission
The goal of the ERReM (Emergency Response and Recovery Management) competence center is to connect DFKI competences that are relevant for AI-based solutions for the support of emergency/disaster response and management and stimulate their application for this purpose. This includes robotic technology, human-robot interaction, intelligent interfaces, environment perception, human-agent collaboration, information management, etc. ERREM members participate in two BMBF-funded competence centres: A-DRZ (Aufbau des Deutschen Rettungsrobotik-Zentrums) and RobDeKon (Robotersysteme für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen).
One of the core questions is, how should robotic systems efficiently support humans in situation assessment and the progressive creation of joint situation awareness in dangerous environments. Depending on the concrete mission, environmental factors, e.g. underground or underwater with polluted or radiated areas, require morphologically different robots to meet the challenges of a dynamic and complex environment, often collaborating with humans or other robots. How such teams should work efficiently and communicate, which information needs to be collected, how it needs to processed and presented to humans, are some of the core questions we are addressing.
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Dr. Ing. Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova

Dr. Sirko Straube

Prof. Dr. Dieter Hutter

Prof. Dr. Peter Fettke

Dr. Tim Schwartz

Jana Rehse

Dr. Constantin Houy